Our Service to You

A complete “Hassle Free” Trademark Solution

We are not simply a filing service. We will work on your behalf to ensure your application stands the best possible chance of being approved. We will help you with the research, make sure everything is filed correctly and provide on going support to protect your trademark.

Intellectual Property

Full Intellectual Property(IP) Report


Telephone consultation provided with your IP Report


Application completed by IP Professional including Trademark Summary


All Trademark Office correspondence


Dedicated support via phone & email throughout the process

Manually check your status with our client login centre


Postage of certificates


Let us keep an eye on your brand, so you can stay focused on your business.

Did you know trademark owners are responsible for enforcing their own trademark rights? That means, it’s up to you to know when someone is infringing on your brand and it’s your responsibility to take action to protect it.

With our Alert service, you can rest assured that your Trademark is protected. We will guard your brand against potential infringements and be by your side in the event you need to challenge or object.